The "Italy at 1 Giga" Plan, part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), aims to create a high-speed internet infrastructure. The goal is to ensure a minimum download speed of 1 Gbps and upload speed of 200 Mbit/s for all residential units. The areas targeted were identified through mapping activities conducted in 2021 by Infratel Italia, a company under the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy. This company is responsible for implementing broadband plans for the Italian government. The selection criteria focus on residential units without coverage from a network offering reliable download speeds of 300 Mbit/s or more during peak hours. The plan requires a total investment of around 3.8 billion euros, with 2.6 billion euros from public funds and 1.2 billion euros from private sources. The intervention is structured on an "incentive" model known as Gap Funding, the public contribution is defined to cover up to a maximum of 70% of the incurred expenses, while the beneficiary is responsible for at least 30%. The winning bidder have to ensure wholesale access to the funded infrastructure for all market operators, in adherence to the guidelines established by AGCOM (the Authority for Communications Guarantees), the regulatory and competition authority for the communication industries in Italy, and the tender notice.