The scheme under scrutiny provides direct grants for newly installed photovoltaic power plants with a capacity above 1MWp and for electricity storage technology. Final beneficiaries could be anybody based in the Czech Republic and holding a business license in the energy sector. The funded projects can generate power for own consumption or provide supply to the grid. The annual allocated budget is 7 billion CZK, for a period of almost ten years, specifically from 31 May 2021 to 31 December 2030. The support instrument is a direct grant. Projects are ranked according to cost-effectiveness (60% of the score), technical level – power storage (30%), and whether regions are affected by decline in coal mining (10%). Funding has a ceiling at 50% of total cost. The scheme should result in new installed renewable capacity of 2,959MW, 684.6MWh of new electricity storage capacity and an additional cumulative generation of 17.5TWh of electricity from renewable sources by 2030, reducing emissions by 6.5 million tons of CO2.